Monday, August 29, 2011

Kindergarten Curriculum

With Sofie having a just a few weeks left of kindergarten penmanship and having started first grade in all other subjects, this seems like a good time to write about what worked and didn't work for us for kindergarten. Our main foci in kindergarten are reading, penmanship and early math, balanced by a picture book tour of ancient history, lots of projects, and playtime. The goblins took very different amounts of time to do kindergarten due to starting at different ages, which I'll discuss in another post. I'll do a set of curriculum review posts soon, as well, with more details and descriptions of how we used the materials, if our methods differed from the recommended ones.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekly Lesson Schedule--Fall Quarter 2011

Note: We homeschool year-round and don't use a quarter or semester system for our homeschooling, but Brandon and I are both undergraduates (for physics and math, respectively), so our own schedules change with each quarter and the homeschooling schedule is adjusted accordingly.

I think I've finished revising our weekly lesson schedules, at least for a little while. B and I start back to school ourselves on the 21st, so things could be in flux for a bit as we adjust. I've scheduled the goblins' lessons around my class times, but if there ends up being some reason that the homework schedule I anticipate for myself will need to be changed, I can shift theirs around as well.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Long-Term Plans

One of the first questions people ask when we say we're homeschooling is "How long are you planning to do that?" We've always planned to homeschool through at least middle school, but we weren't sure how we would proceed after that. Many homeschoolers that continue through high school enroll their kids in classes at community colleges, which I myself did when I was in high school. Having gone that route myself, however, I'm unconvinced that it's the best option for my own children.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fall '11/Spring '12 Curricula

I've been meaning to make a list of what we're using this year, and I've had questions asked on occasion so posting seems the most efficient option. As it stands now, Oscar (6) is finishing up first grade in a few subjects and working on second in others. He's using: