Friday, January 13, 2012

Week in Review--January 13, 2012

Perhaps I should change these posts to "Month in Review" posts, because that's about how often I'm actually doing them. In any case, this was our first week back at the university, and our first week using our new lesson schedule. It went very well, although I did realize there were a few changes I needed to make to our schedule to reflect the change that will happen to our Thursdays when Ozzy's ballet class starts in February. I had planned to do full math lessons Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, but they won't be getting home until 7:30 on Thursday nights once the ballet class starts, so it'll be getting a bit late for a full math lesson (which usually takes about 45 minutes per goblin). It's enough time for each goblin to have ten to fifteen minutes on the math software, though, while I do a full spelling lesson with the other (spelling lessons are only about twenty minutes each, once a week, with a five-minute review four days a week). Also, since Sofie's ballet class is a different day, Richard will do her reading and penmanship with her during Ozzy's class so that'll be out of the way when they get home. So I ended up moving Thursday's full math lesson to Monday nights, when we're home at 7:00 instead of 7:30. It must sound like the goblins are constantly on the go, but they're really not. It's just that instead of having their less-busy hours at the end of every day, sometimes the quieter hours are in the morning or afternoon. Thursdays are, unequivocally, a bit busy though now that their Lego engineering class is Thursday mornings instead of Fridays, but it means Friday mornings are less busy, so it evens out.

Ozzy and I have really been enjoying the switch in his math lineup. He likes the change of pace and the fact that the bar has been moved higher, but because Singapore Math seems to be more evenly incremented one topics are introduced, the trajectory is smoother. I've heard the opposite about SM, and I can easily imagine that that might be true if SM were used as a solo curriculum--which it's intended to be--but since we're still using RightStart to introduce new topics, we seem to have avoided that issue.

Sofie's math has been a challenge, though. I think I mentioned in my last Week in Review that she'd reached a point in RS B at which she could no longer make real progress until she could achieve instant recall of addition and subtraction facts. To improve that for her we've taken the last month or so off from formal math curricula and just played math games like Go Fish (in which a number is chosen at the start, and the "pairs" are two numbers whose sum is that number, instead of two numbers that are the same), Addition War (in which both players play two cards at once and whoever has the higher sum gets all four cards), and some other games. She's made some progress and has been enjoying it, but the part of math that appeals most to her (and to me) is the discovery aspect and the joy in seeing how all the concepts relate to one another, so she's started to get bored and keeps getting out the RS B manual in hopes that we'll get back some "real math," as she calls it. She's very strong on mathematical thinking and makes connections that I wouldn't have thought to point out to her yet, so I'm not concerned (am actually secretly thrilled, because my bias favors conceptual understanding over procedural understanding), and have decided to take this as an opportunity to try Miquon Math. Miquon is discovery-based (an exploration, rather than a guided tour), and uses cuisinaire rods instead of the abacus, which will be a fun change of scenery. Miquon is very inexpensive, so I ordered the first through third-grade books so that Ozzy can play, too. We might also add in some MEP math, which is a (free!) British program based on a Hungarian one, and is one I've heard wonderful things about.

Sofie's also had a breakthrough in her reading, and as of this week is reading short picture books that aren't phonetically-controlled, for the first time. Last night she was reading The Runaway Bunny, and I'd planned to do her next lesson in The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading when she finished, but it turned out that everything in the lesson appeared in the story itself, so we skipped the lesson. I flipped through the rest of the book, and I think we'll actually put it on hold indefinitely. With Oscar I definitely wanted to hit every lesson, but now that we're using All About Spelling, which covers almost all of the same concepts, and since she's doing so well regardless, I think we'll just keep on reading living books and practicing the rules with the spelling program, checking OPGTR every few weeks to make sure we haven't missed anything. It was at about this point that Oscar took off with reading, as well, and in the space of one year went from not reading at all to reading Sherlock Holmes unabridged. I'm relieved to see that milestone on the horizon for Sofie, because it'll open up some more interesting curricula for her and will allow her to be slightly more independent in her work (total independence is most certainly not a goal for us, however, at this age). Oh, and it also means that she can start doing the copywork in Writing With Ease instead of my having to make up copywork for her.

I'm almost totally convinced to switch Oscar to MCT grammar when he finishes grade 2 in First Language Lessons, because FLL3 apparently uses its own conventions in some areas, whereas MCT uses traditional ones less likely to cause confusion later on. MCT also includes poetry and Latin-based vocabulary study, which would be nice additions. I've actually already ordered FLL3, though, so I'll probably go through both programs and combine them in much the same way that I did with SM and RS.

And I think that's about it for us this week/month. We're having our first Field Trip Friday in several months today; it's nice to be back to it. Have a great weekend!


Zoie @ TouchstoneZ said...

Loving these wrap ups!

I'll be interested to hear your take on the switch away from First Language Lessons.

And so sad to miss the field trip today! Duncan was incredibly disappointed. Perhaps we could plan a joint monthly field trip?

Laura--Kicking Pedagogical Ass said...

We missed you guys, too! We got a late start leaving the campus so we went to the de Young instead, and will be going back next Friday to catch the last week of the Pissaro exhibit. A monthly field trip sounds great, but because we don't always know when we're going to need extra study time, we probably won't be able to plan more than a week in advance with any confidence. Our default will be weekly field trips, though, so we should definitely to sync up on a regular basis.