Saturday, December 10, 2011

Weekly Lesson Schedule--Winter Quarter 2012

Note: We homeschool year-round and don't use a quarter or semester system for our homeschooling, but Brandon and I are both undergraduates (for physics and math, respectively), so our own schedules change with each quarter and the homeschooling schedule is adjusted accordingly.

Our winter quarter schedule is actually very similar to the one we had this fall, so we don't have to make many changes. The only significant change is that instead of leaving at 10:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays, Brandon and I will now need to leave by 7:45. The goblins will spend Sunday nights through Monday afternoons with their grandparents, and Richard (their dad) will stay over at our place on Tuesday nights. I'm the primary homeschooling parent, but now that I'm at university full-time Richard's taken on some of the more open-and-go curricula on the days I'm unavailable, so I've structured our homeschooling schedule with that in mind.

History is only listed twice, but it's a favorite subject and we often do "More history! Can we do more history, please?" as our bedtime reading on other days as well (I'm planning to balance that with more science and math read-alouds as well after our library trip this week). Similarly, reading is only listed M-F but happens daily. Our writing curriculum (Writing With Ease by Susan Wise Bauer), calls for four lessons per week but we do two lessons at a time, three days a week instead. Likewise, instead of doing a short math lesson five days a week, we do three long lessons and two short drilling sessions per week. Music doesn't appear on the schedule this time; I've had to put it on hold while we sort out the whens, wheres, and hows. I'll update this post when that's settled. We also practice Spanish informally daily, and have dropped Latin until the Spanish is fluent. Lastly, we're a fairly science-minded family, so while science is only listed once, we do informal science projects and discussions much more frequently.

Also, a note on unstructured time: the goblins always have at least three-ish hours a day when they don't have tasks or activities, and they have two hours each afternoon for quiet time, when they can listen to any audiobooks they like, read, draw, daydream, nap, or play very quietly. We also have frequent playdates, in which case we shuffle our lesson schedule. Friday evenings, Saturdays, and Sundays are free of formal lessons, although we do still read and do fun projects (unless we feel like doing nothing, which definitely happens).

Richard spends 2.5 hours with the goblins at their grandparents' house in the morning, and covers:

Brandon and I pick the goblins up from jujitsu, and after dinner I cover:
Spelling (five-minute review)

In the morning, I cover:
Spelling (five-minute review)

After quiet time, Sofie goes to ballet and Oscar goes to jujitsu. Every other Tuesday evening, we also have a Spanish tutoring session.

Wednesday (Richard's day)
In the morning, Richard covers:
Math Rider
Spelling (five-minute review)
Art history/appreciation/imitation.

After quiet time, they both go to jujitsu.

Thursday (also Richard's day)
In the morning the goblins go to an engineering class, then after quiet time they go to jujitsu. After jujitsu Oscar has ballet (starting in February), and during his class Richard covers Sofie's:

After they come home at dinnertime, I cover Oscar's:

And for both:

Timez Attack (drilling software)
Spelling (full lesson)

In the morning, I cover:
Spelling (five-minute review)

The goblins go to an engineering class, then after quiet time I cover:

For those who appreciate a good old-fashioned breakdown, the frequency per week works out to be:

Reading: 5 lessons (officially)
Penmanship: 5 lessons
Writing: 3 sessions, 6 lessons total
Spelling: 4 five-minute review sessions and 1 full lesson
Grammar: 3 lessons
Math: 3 long lessons and 2 short drilling sessions
History: 2 lessons (officially)
Science: 1 lesson (officially)
Geography: 1 lesson
Spanish: 1 lesson every other week (officially)
Logic: 1 lesson
Art history/appreciation/imitation: 1 lesson
Ballet: 1 lesson
Jujitsu: 4 lessons (3 for Sofie due to a conflict with ballet)

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