Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday--December 14, 2011

We covered the Viking invasions of the British Isles this morning, so naturally, we then did Oscar's first *ahem* "poetry analysis".


Sue VanHattum said...

If your kids are interested in the Vikings, there is a series of 3 novels by Nancy Farmer that they may like. (Warning: Lots of violence.) The first is Sea of Trolls. My son and I have read / listened to all 3. We love them.

The Viking-type culture in the books is called the Berserkers by the other people they come in contact with.

Sue VanHattum said...

I love how the 'bad guys' have good sides, and the 'good guys' have their own bad sides.

Laura--Kicking Pedagogical Ass said...

Thanks, Sue. Those will definitely be a hit!

Zoie @ TouchstoneZ said...

Brilliant poetry analysis! Also, hilariously brilliant idea for the exercise.